RCS substrate question

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 10, 2012
So I'm completely redoing my 20g tank and going to make it a RCS tank. I've read alot of thread and articles and I have a general idea of what I'm going to do.

My 20g tank was my first fish tank but now I have a 55 and I'm pretty content with it. Just need a few more fish and it will be done. The problem I had with my 20g before is that it always had high nitrates (80-100) and I could never figure out why. I had some plants, didn't over feed, weekly water changes. Though it never seemed to do anything to my fish Im afraid it could kill the RCS I'm going to get.

My question is...I got eco complete for my SS but 20lbs might not be enough and I don't want to order more so I was contemplating if I should just put it onto my already existing black gravel SS? I almost feel like I should chunk it because it always had bad nitrates and I'm not sure if it could SS can keep nitrates? Idk lol


Button inside tank is between a nickel and quarter size so you can get an idea of gravels size.
One thing that will really help with nitrates and be great for RCS is lots and lots of plants. Mine love java moss and I rarely have any nitrates.

I use a coarse sand but that's because I like it. The sediment should be small enough that the shrimp can flip grains over. I've watched mine do this it's really neat. They don't burrow just flip grains over and look for food.

This is just my opinion. I haven't been keeping shrimp long so others will have more thorough advice.
It is probably to big for them flip grains most of it is around 1/8th an inch. Im going to use eco complete as my surface substrate. i just wanted to be sure that having it on top of this wasn't going to cause problems. Because of my nitrate problems before...idk...kinda figured maybe the gravel could have kept nitrates in the tank during my water changes.

I plan on having alot of plants in the tank way before I introduce he RCS. If i put eco complete on top of current substrate i'll have anywhere from 2-3 inches across the bottom whereas if i only use the eco complete it will more likely be around 1-1.5 inches.
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