Really really really need some help guys!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 31, 2005
Cupertino CA
hey guys,
I have a 55 Gal tank and I have a 1' 3" Silver Arawana in it. Today I got a Violet Goby and put him/her in the same tank and within 3 hrs my arawana was swallowing it! I tried to scare him and to make him spit the goby out but it didnt work.. :( And the goby was amlost 7" long! Now I'm worried about my arawana. I like him a lot and I'm afraid of what's gonna happen to him.. Is the voilet goby poisonous? Do You think the spines on the Goby would kill him?
I really need some advice guys!!! pleaseeeeeeee........
First,that tank is way too small for the Arowanna and the Violet Goby.Second,Violet Gobies are BW that don't belong in FW.Third,did the Violet get eaten head first of tail first,if tail first try gently pulling it out or if head first still try pulling it out(very gently).Fourth,welcome to AA,this is a great place for learning. :D ^_^
Thanks but my arawana has already swallowed it now..:(
n I'm gettin a 240 Gal tank in a month!!!
So I don't think I can do anything now....
Do u think my arawana will die???
From what I have heard arowana are predatory fish. The Australian versions definitely are. It would not be a good idea to put any fish that even looks like it would fit into its mouth in the tank. Arowana also have large mouths for the size of the fish. Do you know what species you have?
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