Red cherry shrimp bowl

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labn said:
Hi, I did some changes to my tank, I unpotted the baby tears, moved the peacock moss, rearrenged the rocks a bid, added some java fern and recently added a little pad of fissidens fontanus( I think its called like that)

I love how you have the different higher and lower levels of ground. Like mini cliffs and valleys. Awesome. :)
Kay2lynnS said:
I love how you have the different higher and lower levels of ground. Like mini cliffs and valleys. Awesome. :)

Hi, thanks a lot it's changed a lot since does pictures every plant grew a lot specially the peacock moss yesterday I had to trim everything and I just posted some of that moss on craigslist
bettaowner said:
Nice setup.

Thanks after I cleaned it yesterday I messed up the baby tears now there is a bunch of them floating around, I'll use it for my new 20g long tank that I'm about to setup
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