Red Honey Gourami being a bully

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 18, 2003
I bought 2 keyhole cichlids on saturday to go in my tank with my dwarf acaras (aequidens dorsigerus - i think their called), my dutch ram and my gourami.

However, the Gourami will not let the Keyholes settle, its continuously chasing them in to the corner or nipping them. I have taken it out for time being but have limited space so i need to either put the gourami back in or find another home for it.

Is she likely to get used to them and calm down ot will she just keep on.?
I don't know about others' experience regarding Gourami, but every single one of mine have liked to be the tank bully. The largest one would pick on the smaller ones so I weeded out what I thought was the only bully. The the former passive ones started to pick on the others! I have actually lost several fish to a "former passive" gourami. :? As pretty as they are, and facinating to watch them use their tendrels, I am probably never going to buy another gourami again. I have had more passive bettas!
Good luck, and I truely hope that my fish are the exception to the rule. I was told by 2 different LFS that they are good schoolers, they even looked peacefull in the tanks. But once they hit my tank... it is war time. sigh :?

My dwarf gourami were jerks until I put them in bigger spaces. And when paired they began breeding, became jerks again. Especially my male.
Even at the peaceful lfs tank there was a pecking order. One step over the line and it was like a dog pack picking at the loser! But after 3 days where there were only a half dozen left it looked serene. My gourami female is now keeping peaceful companionship with a betta female the same size. And soon I'll throw the prettiest female fry in there.
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