Red Minor Tetras?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 12, 2006
The local petsmart has some red minor tetras. They look really cool... anyone have any info on these?

Sweet.. hopefully they will do good with gouramis and angels in my future 55 gal.


I think I have seen the ones you mean. They are pretty cool looking, but I think they are more commonly called Serpae Tetras. You might want to do a google search on them. is a good start. Some people keeping them have reported issues with aggresion & fin nipping. Might be risky with angels or gouramis. But they are neat looking. :)
I agree, serpaes can be kinda nippy, but then again some folks (JC, I'm lookin' your way) have success with keeping serpaes with long-finned fish, like angels. They are really cool though, and super colorful for a tetra.

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i had some a while back, and they were mean. The nipped on everyone's fins, even the short finned and quick zebra danios. I would not suggest keeping this fish with gouramis and angels.
Right now I have 3 tanks...

3 dwarf puffers
3 otos

7 L/f gold danios
4 Panda cories

1 Betta

I'm getting a 55 gallon aquarium for christmas... I'm wanting to do a mated pair of angels, 4 gouramis, a rainbow shark, a bristlenose pleco, and a schooling fish to flesh it out. I saw these tetras tonight and wanted them but if they are nippy...

i would recommend a larger type of tetra that is not so nippy. Lemon tetras would be nice, i bet some bleeding hearts, or buenes aires would be nice. or maybe you would do a school f rainbows? Never kept them myself, but they are really pretty fish.
Buenos Aires tetras are another species, IMO, that can either do fine with tempting finnage (JC, lookin' your way again!), or be very nippy. I'd skip them just to be safe, but I second the recommendation for lemon tetras. They're very peaceful. Praecox (dwarf neon) rainbows look really nice too, but may be more difficult to find.
I have Serpae's with my Angels and do not have problems with nipping at all. If you have a big enough school, they should "nip" amongst themselves.
I thought that too, but I've also seen them nip in a school of 10+. I guess the ones at the store are just nuts!
Still not sure what I want for my school but thanks for all the info guys... I got a few months to decide before I start adding fish...

when i had 4 saerpaes, they were very aggressive (little pirhanas we called then). More to other fish than themselves. During a heatwave I lost 2, and that seemed to calm them down...a sad way for that to happen, but nonetheless, that's my experience with them

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