Red patches on butterfly moor

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 16, 2015
I've had my moor for just under a year and this morning it was acting weird, it was floating around the tank and doing somersaults for a while then went back to normal. About 1/2 an hour later it started staying in the same spot in the tank and upon closer inspection, I noticed its tail fins had red streaks, the bubble sticky out part of its eye was a reddish brown and it's stomach was red.

What's happened to it and is there any way of making it better?
Okay, first of all what size tank is the fish in? How often do you do water changes? From the picture it doesn't look like a very big tank. What filter are you using for it? Do you have any means of testing the water? We need to know all this before we can help you. My guess is water quality, if water is bad then your fish can die from the toxins in the water
Okay, first of all what size tank is the fish in? How often do you do water changes? From the picture it doesn't look like a very big tank. What filter are you using for it? Do you have any means of testing the water? We need to know all this before we can help you. My guess is water quality, if water is bad then your fish can die from the toxins in the water

Unless this is just a holding container then I wonder the same. Looks like symptoms of stunting to me.

The tank is 15l I was told that it was fine to keep 1 fish in, I do a water change once or twice a week, the filter is a Penn Plax Cascade 170 internal filter and I get my water tested at the place where I got my fish from
But of a variation but still applies to all goldfish.

Goldfish living in small containers is a sadly very common misconception generated by pet stores and society. This fish(picture) can get much larger than these containers.

The problem is, stunting occurs in these small containers. Stunting is where the outside of a fish stops growing to the small environment, but the inside of the fish does not. This creates enormous pressure because organs become to big and as you can imagine, lots of pain to your fellow friend.

Stunting is where the outside of a fish stops growing to the small environment, but the inside of the fish does not. This creates enormous pressure because organs become to big and as you can imagine, lots of pain to your fellow friend.


This is not true.

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While stunting can and does occur, what does not happen is continued growth of internal organs. I have read this article before.

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It's just in humane bottom line what is 15l in American like 2.5 gallons? Cmon seriously this fine fish could get to be a foot long and live for 20 years. No offence I know they make goldfish bowls but it's just not responsible pet may have not known it I'm not picking on you but now you do. U should Get him at least a 20 gallon tank.
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