red slime algae? tubeworms or featherdusters?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 2, 2004
des moines, ioway
im not for sure if this is red slime or something else, ive been told that it is.whats the best way to get rid of this? cause i dont think its needed.also what are those white things ive been told by 2 different people that they are either featherdusters or tubeworms. maybe they are one of those and i just didnt give a good of enough description to the doods. any help would be appreciated. thanx
The algae is definately cyano bacteria. The main food source will be PO4. Whether intoduced via foods or the water source, that will be the main contributor. Manual syphoning, increased water flow and regular water changes with RO water will help in eliminating it. If this is a fairly new set up, this type of algae is common and may go away on it's own..

The "featherduster" is a Sabellid worm. A harmless type of sedentary polychaete.

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