Redtail shark

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 28, 2006
Well, I'm trading in my pictus cat tomorrow, and I've picked up 3 cory cats for my 55 gallon cleaning crew. What I'm wondering is if I can stock a red-tail shark in with them, or will he be too aggressive for the lil' guys?
Red-tailed shark should do just fine with them. He will have plenty of room to claim for his own in a 55.
I've got a black shark (labeo chrysophekadion) in my 50g and mainly hangs out with the pleco, but at dinner time, is right by the blood parrot stealing scraps from oscars.

This fish is quick to the dinner table and should mix in well with the corries.
should be fine, they do get aggressive when they get bigger, but they grow real slow anyways, and with a 55 you'll be fine on the territoy issue
Unfortunately, I'm not now. Dad wants him, the fish started growling at him and he thought it was hilarious.
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