regarding responce to Ammonia Help

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2005
Cardiff United Kingdom
Hi just to let you know that I got a liquid test kit today and the ammonia was still so high 4.0 8O so I moved all of my fish to the matured tank,it is a lot smaller but at least it is in the parameters ammonia 0 nitrite normal and nitrate normal and ph is fine and high range ph is also fine,I cant remember the exact figures but they were all ok according to the chart,I will mature the bigger tank over the next 4 weeks and then move them all again :wink: took me all day to get them out and change the water.
Once again I would like to say thank you for your help. Also all my fish are now doing fine
Sounds like you did the best thing. Now you can fishless cycle the tank and put the fish back in when you are done.
thank you for the reply

How do you mature a tank without fish??? 8O I have had lots of people suggest putting them back in the tank in stages,as the readings are now really good I did almost a 70% water change and added live bacteria and stress coat, but would be interested to know how you mature a tank without fish being present? thanks for the response it can get so confusing being told so many different things by so many people,by that I mean the people in the shops,thats why I am asking you as you seem to know a lot more than they do, what should I do!!!!! put them back or leave them where they are,I think the reading where a bit off as I had put ammino lock in the tank, so although it was high I think it had been changed by the filter to nitrite or nitrate ,not sure which still learning,
so I will do as you would if you dont mind responding to this question once again
thank you
When you say you added live bacteria, what did you add? If you added something like biospira, you would likely need to stock now to keep the bacteria alive. If not, there is a good fishless cycling article in our articles section.
hi need your help again!!!! please

I added some of my fish back to the new tank 109 gallons some of my fish are still in the smaller mature tank waiting to be moved gradually did a test this morning Ammonia reading are now normal 0.0mg/1 but my nitrate100mg/1+ and nitrite 4.0mg/1 are all high I have read that Aqualibrium salts can bring these down, is that right? I have some of that here ,but do I use it ? I have added some more of the Bacterlife bacteria what ele's can I do to bring these down I did a 75% water change the other day when I was speaking to you....whats left except for me to commit harry carrie....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Now need urgent help with nitrate and nitite please

I added some of my fish back to the new tank 109 gallons some of my fish are still in the smaller mature tank waiting to be moved gradually did a test this morning Ammonia reading are now normal 0.0mg/1 but my nitrate100mg/1+ and nitrite 4.0mg/1 are all high I have read that Aqualibrium salts can bring these down, is that right? I have some of that here ,but do I use it ? I have added some more of the Bacterlife bacteria what ele's can I do to bring these down I did a 75% water change the other day when I was speaking to you....whats left except for me to commit harry carrie....ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

You do not need to use salt. Do not commit Hari Kari! PWC's are the way to get the levels under control. Instead of a very large one...try several small ones over a couple of days (about 25%).

The levels will slowly come down. The addition of new bacteria will not help in bringing the levels down.
Thanks TOP CAT!!!!

I will do a water change over the next few days I am in your debt once again, I have included a snap shot of the new tank need few more plants and more fish but rome wasn't built in one day??? Many thanks for the reply
done a 25% water change

Hi I have done a 25% water change and will continue to do that taking readings at the same time,I thought that I might have to remove all of my poor little fish again I bet they are beginning to feel like abos no fixed
Hmmm, I am not familiar with what's going on, but I suggest daily PWC of 20%--AFTER a 50% PWC. I have no idea about those salts, but PWC are basically free and are proven to work :D
The only way to mature a tank without fish is by adding a source of ammonia--either straight ammonia, or rotting fish (i.e. shrimp from the grocery store).
I am going to merge your two threads.

If the fish are still in the tank and those levels are high, a large (50%) PWC is in order.
hi again

:D hi busy doing water changes did 1 yesterday and 2 today will do another tomorrow......readings are coming down but how long will I have to do the water changes for????? don't know why I asked that (silly question) until the readings are more acceptable to the fish...yes? .
I have mastered the water changes with a long hose pipe out the french 25% is a lot of water from a 108 gallon tank,anyway I am monitoring my fish every couple of hours to see how they are progressing and at the moment they seem fine :invasion: only put in some of my hardier fish, although they must all be pretty hardy to withstand what I have put them through....poor things but I am trying to do the right thing for them as I luv them all they have such great characters especially the mollies,will let you know how I get on in the next couple of long as I don't get water logged in the cheers
Good going, being a fish parent can be work but well worth it in the end I guarantee it. You are doing the right thing and your fish already appreciate it I am sure.
Hi,coming down

Hi Just to let you know that the nitrite and nitrate are coming down really well,did another 2 water changes today ,1 this morning and 1 this evening
and the nitrite is now at 0.25 and the nitrate is 0.25 and ammonia is 0/0 getting there slowly .
1 question, when I get it to normal on all counts do I then stop the water changes and test every week, or keep my testing to a daily thing until the cycle has finished? added some more plants today they absorb nitrite don't they?
The fish are all doing well too....fingers crossed
Plants take in nitrate. There can be 60-80 ppm of nitrates in a cycled tank, the nitrite and ammonia need to be undectable. Sounds like you are doing a great job. Once the nitrite and ammonia is undectable, continue testing, but hold off on the PWC unless you need to. Then the following week, start the weekly PWC and things should be on there way to stable!
Thanks for the reply, I am not saying its been easy trying to get everything on an even keel 8O but I feel as if I am almost there,and the benefits that the fish make to our lives is tremendous,they make you feel so peaceful just looking at them.....this has always been a passion of mine and now finally I am doing it...and I LUV IT :D
Just to let everyone one that has helped me over the last week ....all my readings are normal, nitrite is right down to ideal water conditions and nitrate is ideal water conditions according to the chart, ammonia is 0.0 and ph,is also really good I am so pleased that I am on my way to having a stable tank, and it is only due to all your good advice .
Many Many Thanks
I will test every other day for another week to be on the safe side .
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