Removing fish from QT?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 16, 2008
Do you have to Acclimate your Fish from your QT to your DT if your water quality is the same?
Nope, that is one of the points for the QT....if you are doing hyposalinity, bring it down slowly and then back up once the treatment is done and make sure the parameters are the same in both tanks and you should be good to go. It hasn't been that long since you had the fish in QT (ich if I remember), are you sure you treated long enough or are you just asking for future...?
No I was just asking for future. I just put them in there just want to make sure I am going to have everything correct before returning them home.
I still reacclimate when moving my fish from QT to DT
If Qt & DT are same parameters I don't see the point in reac......
I re-acclimate also by floating a bag in the display for 30 mins or so. More so to give everyone fair notice that someone is moving in (or back in) before just plopping him the display.

Not sure if it works but it makes me feel better
Yeah they'll all be put in at the same time... Hopefully that Ick will be dead by then.
I re-acclimate also by floating a bag in the display for 30 mins or so. More so to give everyone fair notice that someone is moving in (or back in) before just plopping him the display.

Not sure if it works but it makes me feel better
I like that idea! makes great common sense.

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