Rena Filstar xp3

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Sep 2, 2009
Hi- I got a rena filstar xp3 canister filter today. Does anyone have any good or bad advice to share about this canister filter? Also, some guy at our local fish store told me that canister filters create alot of nitrate in the tank. Is this true? If so any ideas on how I can keep that from happening?
It can create a Lot of Nitrate if you leave the Sponges in. You can replace the Sponges with LR rubble. Rena Canister Filters are good. But usually with a Saltwater tank it's just Live Rock Good Water Flow and a Skimmer no need for a Canister Filter.
I use my xp3 for fw and i love it. easy to use. Set it up on the tank, fill the intake tube with tank water and push down the lever on the top of the canister where the hoses connect and the tank fills up. Wait a miinute and plug it in and its working. Took me about 10 minutes to have it up and running.
I use Fluvials but the best way to keep the nitrAtes down is a regular cleaning and using RO/DI water. I also take the foam out of my filters when I get them.
Make sure if you rinse the media out, do it on your old SW to help preserve the beneficial bacteria.
I use Eheim canisters :flasingsmile: without sponges, but filled with Substrat pro bio balls and chemi pure elite. I tear it apart every two weeks to clean it out, if you don't clean them on a regular basis it will become a nitrate factory.:(
IMO they are great filters all around. With fresh water you just give them regular maintenance and everything is good.
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