RENA XP2 flow rate

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 24, 2008
Gainesville, FL

When I first purchased my Rena about 1.5-2 months ago it had an incredible flow rate... thing were just flying all over the place.

Since then it has slowed down considerably. I've replaced the top white fine filter and the carbon type pack then rinsed out the other filters without luck. I'm at a loss now as to what to do.

Are there any areas that might normally get clogged up? If so, how do you access them? It is a planted tank and I know that a bit of small plant matter does get sucked into the inlet every so often and don't know if that is the cause.
Did you clean out the impeller? Esp. with hard water, a film build up on the impeller shaft/magnet will slow things down considerably. You can soak the impeller in vinegar (or CLR) to clean ... just rinse well before reuse.

Other places to check: the quick connect block, the connecting hoses, esp. if you have any elbows, and any intake strainer, spraybar, etc. Take the connections apart as much as possible, then clean with a long handled "bottle" brush. <LFS sells ones with handles that are 2-3' long just for this.> Pay attentions to any elbows or corners, that's where things tend to be stuck.
If the above doesn't work, you might visit
They have a FAQ section and you can also email them.
It's a store and they sell Rena parts also.
I will have to look at the impeller, I haven't done that yet.

I don't have hard water so I don't *believe* that would be it. I will have to take things apart to look.
Well, the impeller was fine. The filters looked good. I don't have any T connects other than what came with the system, but I checked them as well and there isn't any blockage. I'll look at the web site next.
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