Request help - 45 gal overfed tank in crisis

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 14, 2014
I started my most recent (45-gal) tank in December and had it just the way I wanted it by the end of March. For weeks the fish and plants were happy and the water was crystal clear. I had a happy little biome.

Last week I took a week-long business trip. I left my adult sister with a reference sample in a little plastic condiment container showing how much to feed each day, and said to spread it across two feedings per day. I came back to find the water clouded over and there was literally a carpet of grayish murk at the bottom. It was uneaten decaying food. A lot of it. When I opened the hood it smelled FOUL. I checked the food containers and she had used enough food for about 3 months' worth of of feeding in 6 days! When I asked her about it she said every time she was near the tank they came to the top so she figured they were still hungry. (!!!)

I immediately, without even changing out of my business clothes, got out my gravel vacuum and began siphoning off about 25% of the tank water with as much of the decaying food waste as I could get. There is still a LOT more. I am livid. I didn't test the water because I know it is off the charts and I won't be able to do much for a couple of days when I take out another large amount to get rid of the rest of the remaining chunks of decaying food.

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to get the tank back in balance. I have already told my sister she is FIRED and I am looking for recommendations for an automatic fish feeder!
Me personally I would do an even bigger water change. Maybe 50% . And yeah try get as much of the decaying food you possibly can out. The ammonia levels must be sky high. Do water changes every day just make sure you do the normal stuff while adding water back in. Right temperature, adding your water conditioner etc. As for automatic feeders I personally wouldnt trust them. I heard so many bad stories about them. Some may stop working out of nowhere. But the worst that can happen with some is that all the food in the feeder comes out at once and destroys your tank and fish

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A series of 50% water changes will need to be done. You can do them every other hour until your parameters are well under control.
Within my thread Journal Restarting a fishless cycle, on the third page, Threnjen posted a reference to calculating how much of your total ammonia is toxic, based in your pH and temp. And that in emergencies lowering the temp a little can really reduce the toxicity of the ammonia that is in there. This little understood concept seems like it could be a real lifesaver right now. I'd post the link but I'm rushing off to work!
You can do more than water change in a day as Mebbid suggested. It is going to suck, but keep at it. Your poor fish :(
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