RIP Bolivian ram

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severum mama

Aquarium Advice Addict
Dec 11, 2004
Well, I got home from my weekly poker night a few minutes ago and was checking out my 29 gallon after my humiliating defeat. I only saw 2 out of 3 Bolivian rams in there, and I think the third one has gone to the big tank in the sky. :cry: When I looked behind some of my decor I noticed what looked vaguely like part of a fish's remains. That has to be what it is, I can't find this fish anywhere. I have no idea what happened, but since all other fish seem fine I will guess old age. As I understand it Bolivian rams only have a lifespan of 2-4 years, right? The one that apparently died was my biggest and most beautiful male. I can't believe I didn't notice, surely this happened before today judging from the condition of the remains.

I'm going to remove what's left now and do a PWC.

I'll miss him. :cry:
That's sad to hear Severum. I'm sorry for your loss. It's always hard to lose a fish that you've become attached to. :(
Thanks guys. :( I don't know if I'll be getting anyone else for that tank or not. With 2 other rams, 7 green fire tetras, 6 rummynose tetras, 1 amano shrimp, 1 clown pleco, and 1 twig catfish I think the tank might be on the overstocked side (but I could NOT resist the twig cat). :oops: I'd like to put my female in there from the 20 gallon, but I think the other 2 in the 29 are males and it might not work out.
LOL no way! I don't have the space or money, so those fish will just have to stay where they are. All the other fish are really healthy and I love the way that tank looks.

It's not totally what I want yet but it's getting better.
Severum- the pic in your post didn't come through on my end. Was it a smilie?

BTW- We don't have the space for the 150 but now we just have to walk around the tank into the kitchen one at a time because there's about a foot and a half between the couch and tank. HAHA. You'll make do. Are you sure you're grandma wouldn't want to sit on the floor for dinner? (referring to post several months ago regarding removal of furnature to make space for new big tank.)

Also, what is a twig catfish? Have any pics of yours?
Hmmm, weird, the pic is linked from photobucket and shows up fine here.

About the furniture... we ended up moving that tank out of the kitchen and into the bedroom so now we can put the kitchen table back. I didn't like the stand I had at all, so I rearranged the bedroom so it could sit on my dresser.

I have a pic of my twig catfish (farlowella acus) in my gallery here:

BTW we found the rest of the body today.

It's always sad to lose a loved friend. Especially one that you become so attached to after caring for.
Interesting looking fish! I showed it to my fiance and he asked what it was and when I said a catfish he started laughing and said it looked like a twig. HAHA. Just a funny thought.

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