Rising Light canopy Should I?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 22, 2005
Nevada, USA
I recently got a current USA satellite 65W dual daylight for my 30Gallon long aquarium. I also bought 4 raising legs, but am not sure why they are used.

Can anyone tell what are the advantages of raising the light canopy? :roll:
One of the advantages is that the canopy can generate heat which could affect the temperature within the tank (and evaporation rate)...raising the canopy away from the water can mitigate that without overly affecting the amount of light getting to the water. I am not sure how enclosed that canopy is, but raising it could also mean not having to cover your tanks with glass to protect from splashing. JMO
I use the legs because I can the run the tank without any kind of top. It also gives a way for the heat to dissipate a bit, those light get hot.
Thanks for the replies!

I think i will just wait and see if it is increasing the temperature of my tank (acrylic). If they are then i will probably fit those legs.

If i raise the light then i will have open tank, wouldn't that be bad? as dust particles might get in?
Though I think heat is the #1 reason, it can also affect how your plants grow. Depending on how many WPG you have, raising your lights can force certain plants to grow up and not out, which was always my goal.
You can still use a glass canopy while using the legs on your light if you want. Just gives you the option of running it with an open top.
Since i have my older light fixture with acrylic bottom plate, i think i will remove it from light and place it on the top of tank to completely cover it. Then can put my new light on top of this.

I will keep an eye on the temperature fluctuations, to check if i should to add legs.

Thanks All!
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