rock from ocean ?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 18, 2013
hey everyone so I brought back couple rocks from cuba picked up ocean so obviously salt water what kind of risk am I looking at if putting it in my cichlid fresh water


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ok thanks for advice figured just making sure thanks
I currently have a parrot, severum, jack Dempsey, fire mouth
So those are central/South American cichlids. They prefer neutral to softer waters. Like TheCommunityCichlid said: avoid it.
Ya figured wasn't gonna risk it what's the best type of rock I can add that will be beneficial for my children lol

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Rock that won't mess with your pH haha. You could honestly use just about anything from backyard rock to rock found at lawn and garden stores. The vinegar test is your best bet on finding suitable rocks- if you put vinegar on a rock and it bubble/fizzes, it is not so suitable.
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