Rock Rubble

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 29, 2008
Rosedale, IN
I currently have a 29 gallon bio cube that has going for about 2 months now. i have been thinking about replacing the bio balls in the back of the system with rock rubble would that be wise or just keep what i have.
I know alot of folks that use LR rubble in theirs. I think it`s a good idea.
I switched my bioballs out after 4 months. It's a darn good idea. The more beneficial bacteria the better and less detritus!
fish w LR
will any live rock rubble work or does it need to be live. don't want it to screw up my system
Already cured will be better. Less chance of dieoff causing a spike.
Cured. I justed added cured to my existing live rock (removed some) with no problems.
Or just take a piece of LR from your aquarium that you'd like to replace with a more attractive piece and break it down with a hammer.
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