Sad story with a happy ending

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 14, 2011
After going away for a week with work I was sad to be told that my new betta had got stuck inside the terracotta pot, my dad thinking he was sleeping!
Sadly he died but my parents feeling guilty have replaced him with an even better one and some harlequin rasboras!
He's still a bit shy so hard to get good pictures of him!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed I have better luck with this little guy


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After going away for a week with work I was sad to be told that my new betta had got stuck inside the terracotta pot, my dad thinking he was sleeping!
Sadly he died but my parents feeling guilty have replaced him with an even better one and some harlequin rasboras!
He's still a bit shy so hard to get good pictures of him!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed I have better luck with this little guy

Sorry to hear about your betta :(
That's a lovely thing your parents did, your new betta is beautiful!
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