Salting the freshwater fishies . . .

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 25, 2006
Grand Ledge, MI
The wife and I went to PetSmart tonight just for giggles and we were commenting on the tanks there . . . probably one of the better maintained PetSmarts we've ever been in . . .tanks are very clean and clear, not a dead fish to be seen, the employees seem to be fairly knowledgeable (though I always ask here first!)

I had one question though, that I wasn't willing to trust to PetSmart . . . there were a few fish that we were showing interest in that it says on the tags under the tanks that some salt is required in the tanks for the fish. To name a couple (and I'll try to include pics if I can find 'em) were:

Leporis fasciatus

South American Dragon Goby

Silver tipped shark

Just wondering how this works? How much salt? Will they survive without the salt in a tank with others that don't need the salt? Someone help me out here. I thought freshwater tanks that were kinda salty were brakish. Why are they displayed with freshwater fish if they require salt? I started out with a freshwater tank because I wanted to start fairly simple. Now it seems to me that I need to look for Saltwater, Brakish, Freshwater or interesting mixtures of the above.

Am I making this more complicated than it needs to be?
Not talking from expierence here but All I have ever heard about the Leporis fasciatus is that there bad news and should be avoided.
Well, I don't really want one . . . .I was more just wondering about the freshwater fish that need salt thing . . . just kinda threw me off balance.
The bottom two fish are brackish. They need marine salt added to thier tanks. The shark will get very large, They can't be mixed with freshwater tropicals,
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