Saltwater ick

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going thru the same with ich or marine velvet

i read every thread and let me no if i got this right.all my fish died weeks ago ,the last one died a week ago.i have kept the lights off but my filter and heater are still on.should i change anything im i need water changes?
Nope i wouldnt do any water changes, you arent feeding the tank so there should be no nitrates building up.
ok thanks,from what i was reading on marine velvet i think thats what i have cause my fish were fine one day then they dropped like flies within days.i did see three white spots on my coral beauty and a long string coming out of it.i thought it was ich but im not i guess the best thing to do is hold off for 7 more weeks.should i buy new bio wheels when my two months are done
Does hypo salinty kill live rock cos I think I should do it in the big tank as aposed to this small one its only 30 gallon and I have 9 fish going in..what would u guys recommend
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