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I have a 20gal. I want something that I can use for coral but a lot less expensive
what about T5 lights with acnitic bulbs? You have all answered a lot of my questions. thanks!!
what about T5 lights with acnitic bulbs? You have all answered a lot of my questions. thanks!!

nope, t5's wont support much, you want a minimum of 2w/gal so if the t5's are 15w high output bulbs he would need a 4 bulb fixture for a 20g and that gets expensive fast plus replacing all 4 bulbs every 4 months is a pain in the wallet as well.
nope, t5's wont support much, you want a minimum of 2w/gal so if the t5's are 15w high output bulbs he would need a 4 bulb fixture for a 20g and that gets expensive fast plus replacing all 4 bulbs every 4 months is a pain in the wallet as well.

T5s will support anything you want if you get right unit for the type of tank your looking to have. I love my t5s and honestly if it wasn't for having to replace bulbs 3x a year I would've never switched to LEDs
T5s will support anything you want if you get right unit for the type of tank your looking to have. I love my t5s and honestly if it wasn't for having to replace bulbs 3x a year I would've never switched to LEDs

Well he was asking about price point, money wise the 120w leds are the way to go IMO
Well he was asking about price point, money wise the 120w leds are the way to go IMO

I definitely agree way cheaper, I just can't get my LEDs to recreate the color I had with the t5s. Not a real problem as the LEDs do an unbelievable job, and the savings make it well worth getting used to a new look to the tank :D
I've been looking up the Tao lights and think that's probably the way I'll go. Thanks everyone for their input on the lights.
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