Sanitize used tank...What to do?

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Recently decided to be more careful, and looking to buy a used tank, so what to do to get it ready the best/right way for new fish?

Previously I have rinsed if it looks clean, and it looks bad I might use bleach water and rinse it very well.

Baking soda and vinegar, but mostly that would be for cleaning.

Please give me some real answers, I wanna :microwave: kill the germs!
Clean used tanks

I start by washing with a 50/50 solution of white vinger and water I try to remove most of the calcium deposits sometimes it takes a little elbow grease to do so, I rinse throughly. Then I use a cup of bleach per gallon of water I fill to the top, stir, let set for at lease an hour, drain, rinse, let set in full sun for a day or more until the bleach smell is gone. At this point the tank should be clean and sterilize.

How about the filters, same thing? Just wanting to make sure no sickness. Been hearing sad tales of disease brought in from fish but people who get dead fish sell tanks!
Vinegar is your best friend. I normally buy a gallon and dump it in the tank and fill with water and throw whatever else you wanna clean into the tank

When I have the bleach in the tank I run the filters with the bleach water I remove any of the filter pads and throw them away I rinse throughly and place in the sun to neutralize the bleach
Could you use straight hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle and thoroughly soak all down in it. Then the danger of residual bleach could be avoided. I don't know for fact, just throwing it out for consideration and discussion. OS.
I love ideas. I like the running the "cleaner" of whatever type, through the filter.

Peroxide sounds interesting. I like using the sun too!
I've used both bleach and vinegar to sterilize my tanks (I've never bought one new. lol) Run it through the filter after you've done the elbow grease part of cleaning it (buy new filter pads). Rinse well and let it air dry 100%. I've never had problems. If only you could sterilize new fish that
Bleach is the best method. If there is any left in the tank or equipment after rinsing it then simply letting it dry out will break down the rest of the bleach.
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