Schultz Aquatic plant soil.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 4, 2003
Has anyone had any experience using this product. I have read of others using Profile which is wrote on the bag. It says its "100 % Fullers Earth" Anyways, I was in Walmart this morning and they had it on clearance for $2 / 10 lbs bag. So I bought all they had. I'm using Flourite in my tank now and this stuff feels similar. I understand this stuff is neutral and seems to be inert.
Any feed back would be appreciated
I have it in tank. What I did, I read that in many places, was use it in the bottom of the tank 1.5" and cover it with Fluorite 3" to 4". It's working fine.
That's generally the way i have seen it done. Not a cheap substrate, but it gives your plants a big boost.
I noticed it raised my PH slightly

most of my plants were not doing too well in at the start, I think due to my PH being so high.

after putting some root tabs in, things came around

if I rebuild this tank, I'll be putting some peat down first, to help keep the gravel PH low - I think it will help it release nutriants better.

I used about 40lbs in my 30 gallon, for an average depth of about 4"

you can see the tank here:
It has been reported to raise the pH and contain phosphates. I guess it depends on which batch you get. Also it's very light and hard to plant stem plants in.
I use this in both of my planted tanks. I like the look of it by itself, but as Rex said it is very light and stem plants are easily disturbed until they establish roots. Some like hornwort never do and are sometimes knocked loose; I'll find them floating from time to time. In my 29 gallon tank, I put a layer of pea gravel on top and this seems to work better from the standpoint of holding down the plants.

It does seem to do a great job holding nutrients, though. I used Flourish Root Tabs and all of my root-feeding plants are doing well. And its considerably less expensive than other suitable substrate.
I've been using it in one of my tanks in conjunction with Flourite and it works well. As it ages it does get a bit darker in color and a bit heavier as well. I can't say enough about the stuff. I'd use it again in a heart beat.
BTW, never had any problems at all with plants staying in the substrate or gravel vaccing it. I'm just a bit more careful with it than in my 100% Flourite tanks.
Cost at my local nursery was $17 for a 40lb. bag.

I use it too and I think it works well. I'm using it alone and have some problems getting things to stay down at first. Definetly use it with root tabs (jobes, seachem) your plants will be better off. I'd also mix it with something a little heavier if you can. I just replanted some things tonight and wish I had gravel or flourite to keep stuff down. the jobes root tabs are cheap, like $1.50 a pack, get the ones for ferns. HTH.
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