Sea Hare

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 15, 2011
I bought a Sea Hare two days ago and woke up this morning to find it dead. Are these normally sensitive? Or do they tend to be hardy? I want to get another, but I'm a bit hesitant now.
I acclimated mine for about 2 hours before putting him in and haven't had a problem with him. :) it's been about 4 months so far. I happen to really like the sea hare so I can't recommend against getting another one. just make sure you have enough algae for him to eat.
The blue spotted ones tend not to do as well. In my opinion the uglier they are the hardier they are haha, the ugly ones are cute in their own way anyways :)
Finally got another sea hare. This time I got the brown one. It's been one week and it seems to be doing fine! Thanks for the help!
My sea hare is still doing great! So great it decided to lay eggs, not sure what to do about that :/
i don't think those are sea hare eggs. the hare would need a mate. glad to hear it's doing well though.
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