SeaChem De*Nitrate 1L (800g) $16 shipped

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 7, 2004
Fairfax, VA

I have a brand new canister of this for sale for $16.00 shipped. Email me at or PM me.



de*nitrate™ removes nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, and organics from both fresh and marine water. The high porosity of de*nitrate™ supports the proliferation of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria that further remove these toxic aquarium byproducts. Even when exhausted as an organic adsorbent, de*nitrate™ continues to be an excellent support for the biological filter and does not have to be removed.


Q: How much nitrate will de*nitrate™remove?
A: It is recommended that if nitrate levels are very high that they be brought down to at least 20 ppm through water changes before using de*nitrate. At that point de*nitrate will bring the nitrate levels down to 4 – 5 ppm after several days of use. Since de*nitrate™, Matrix™,and Pond Matrix™are all biological support media, they do not actually ever exhaust, but they can grown less efficient with use by pore clogging. Prefiltering the water before it passes through these products will extend its useful life.

Q: Seachem website says that deNitrate can reduce nitrates in a direct water flow of 50 gph (or less). What makes Seachem Denitrate effective at a flow rate of...lets say 30-40 gph???
A:It is the porosity of this material that allows it to function at this rate of water flow. As water passes through this media, any oxygen is used by the aerobic bacterial that lives on the outer crust of this media. As water enters the inner crust of this media, it will come in contact with the bacteria groups that live in oxygen deficient conditions of the inner portions of this media that naturally consume and dispose of nitrate.

Q: You state that the flow rate through de*nitrate™ should not be more than 50 gallons per hour, but most filters on the market flow much faster than that. How the heck do I get such a slow flow rate?
A: The best way to accomplish this is with the use of a flow through (aka "dummy canister"). Other alternatives include water restriction to a regular canister, placement in a sump, or a box filter with a restricted intake.
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