Secret Nipper?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 7, 2011
Worthing - UK
Hi all,

I noticed the other day that my betta and my platy have nips out of their fins (the betta has lots of tiny nips and the platy has one massive one) i have been studying the other fish's behaviour and none of them are harassing each other or nipping that i can see...

Its not fin rot, but was wondering if it could be anything else or if i have a secret night-time nipper!
The rams nip each other occassionally, but i've never seen them pester the other fish.

I'm just concerned as the platy has a massive chunk out of it's tail, so more of a bite than a nip...

I've been watching them closely the past week and have seen no nipping whatsoever, so not sure if it could be another cause - ?
I would post some pictures and keep a eye out could be something
I think it's still going on... Pics attached...


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Its the molly id bet. My molly is fine, but wen I feed the fish, he gets super aggressive, and will chase and nip anyone that wants the food
you could stay up all night with a flshlight to see whos nippin:)
Lol that would never work for me, my fish all get super chill when I'm staring at them, but then go back to being crazy when I'm further from the tank... fish are sneaky
I think it may also be the Molly... It's a lyre tail Molly and it's fins are fine, anything else with a tail has been nipped... Sherlock eat your heart out!

Is there anything I can do to stop the nipping? (the Molly and the platy have been together for 2 months no probs, but since I added the betta last week, the secret nipper has been doing his work!
Ive talked to a guy that had the same problem with a phantom nipper nipping his betta and other fish and he came to find out that it was actually his clown loach.
henry1245 said:
I think it may also be the Molly... It's a lyre tail Molly and it's fins are fine, anything else with a tail has been nipped... Sherlock eat your heart out!

Is there anything I can do to stop the nipping? (the Molly and the platy have been together for 2 months no probs, but since I added the betta last week, the secret nipper has been doing his work!

Yes, mollies do nip fish with long flowing fins. Unfortunately, either Ur Mollie or Ur Betta needs to be rehomed. Don't believe there's a real way to prevent nipping.
Hubert90 said:
Yes, mollies do nip fish with long flowing fins. Unfortunately, either Ur Mollie or Ur Betta needs to be rehomed. Don't believe there's a real way to prevent nipping.

+1. I believe its the Mollies aswell, my Mollies fin nip all the time.
Probably better to rehome him anyway, as clown loaches need a group of at least 3 and a 75 gallon tank, minimum.
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