Selective Breeding

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Dec 22, 2010
I would like to breeding my lyretail guppy with my fancy guppy and was wondering how to go about it. The male is with a ADF and 2 other males so I can't place the female with him and the female is in a QT recovering from a serious case of ich, I am leaving her in there so she can recover before putting her in my larger community tank. I would also like to know if it is likely to get any lyretail fry?
Uuuhhhhhh this is tricky. Normaly I would say isolate for selective breeding but also idk wat the QF and all that means. If u could explain that I could help u
I love the lyretails on my mollies, guppies would be cool! Sorry cant help though.
Tasha, He is gorgeous! I will have to post a pick of him.

A QT is a quarintine tank. Now she is covered in ichiro. Uggggh, you have no idea how much I hate ich. So I am taking a trip to my LFS to get a female just for him. As guppylover genetics goes I have 2moro.questions ( terrible with genetics btw) is it possible to get a female lyretail and is there is specific color or body type I should looks for?
GuppyLover said:
Tasha, He is gorgeous! I will have to post a pick of him.

A QT is a quarintine tank. Now she is covered in ichiro. Uggggh, you have no idea how much I hate ich. So I am taking a trip to my LFS to get a female just for him. As guppylover genetics goes I have 2moro.questions ( terrible with genetics btw) is it possible to get a female lyretail and is there is specific color or body type I should looks for?

Get this medicine called Nox-ich. I have it and it works very well. It saved my plecos life! it comes in a blue bottle. U have to take the carbon out of the filter though or turn it off
Okay, thanks for the tip! I will see if I can't swing by my LFS.
well this is alll i have found.....
fin shape as well as coloris important for fancy guppies.(bet you knew that)
the use of color food is often recomended for red strains of guppies.
a female only needs to mate once in order to continue to produce young through her life possibly 7 from sperm stored in her body..
even if you choose a well marked male and female from the same tank is a store the likelihood will be that at least some of the fry will not be the offspring of that particular male although the majority of fry are lickly to be the product of the recent mating.
female guppy will have her first brood approximately a month after mating.
recessive characteristics may disapear for several generations of a particular bloodline and then reemerge unexpectedly at a later stage.
here is what i know of a golden lyretail guppy. even projections on the caudal fin it is imprtant in the lre tailed forms that these two areas are symmetrical and even in size......
i got that all from a great and helpfull book that i got at the library so if you want to know where i got that i can tell you... hope that can help a little
I've never bred lyretails in particular, but I've considered mixing them into some of my other strains to see what comes up. I've yet to find a lyretail guppy that has a really impressive tail, though, so i haven't tried it.

I don't see why it wouldn't be impossible to have a female lyretail, I have some blue/black moscow females that look alot like males, so much so that they have very exaggerated dorsal and tail fins.
jetajockey said:
I've never bred lyretails in particular, but I've considered mixing them into some of my other strains to see what comes up. I've yet to find a lyretail guppy that has a really impressive tail, though, so i haven't tried it.

I don't see why it wouldn't be impossible to have a female lyretail, I have some blue/black moscow females that look alot like males, so much so that they have very exaggerated dorsal and tail fins.

Uuhhhh wats a lyretail? Is it like a Molly?
Ghillie, its a guppy but it has a sort of split tail. Go and google it, I am terrible at explainning things.

Jeta, I would love to see pics of your females ;) Do you think anything would mix better with a lyretail then say a snakeskin? My female passed away last night and I have 12 of her.fry growing and I am going to keep a few of them and buy another female. With horses the ofspring will be 80% dam and 20% sire, is it fhe same with fish?
@guppylover: Honestly I'm not good enough at genetics to say which are dominant and which are recessive. I believe that in general, the albino gene is recessive, so both parents must be albino, or carry the albino gene, in order to throw albino fry. I do know that to be true with bristlenose plecos. For them, the longfin gene is the same way, it might be the same in guppies, but short fin guppies don't usually make it past the feeder tank.

With guppies, though, I'm more of a 'throw em together and see what happens' kind of guy. I've noticed offspring that look like mom, some that look like dad, and some that look like a mixture of both or neither at all.

Working with newly bought females can be difficult because they are almost always pregnant, and can have multiple pregnancies from a previous encounter with a male, so you have an unknown factor there for several months. So when picking a new female, if possible, try to pick one that is in a strain-only tank, so that at least you'll have a higher chance of them being selectively bred with others of similar traits/quality.
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