Septicemia treatment for goldfish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 23, 2020
Hi everyone,

I have a goldfish (ranchu) that is experiencing red streaking in the fins and red "rash" under some scales yesterday, and I am pretty sure it is septicemia. I've noticed fin rot on the other fish in the tank as well. I've read a lot of different treatment options, but many of them are contradictory. Does anyone have actual experience treating a goldfish for septicemia, and if so, what are your recommendations?

FYI - fish is in a 91 gal sump tank, zero ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Tank has been stable for 10 months. Salted the tank and added Melafix for the fin rot on the other fish. Water changed last night and the night before. Normal WC schedule is once a week.

Thank you for your help! :fish1:


The number one thing is perfect water. Then to figure out the underlying cause.

If you have a healthy active beneficial bacteria colony, then that is good.

Not changed the media recently? Changed the substrate? Added a bunch or or a couple large fish? Otherwise could have too much bioload for the BB colony.

If you have a tank with ideal water parameters, also good.

Were there any things going on before this occurred?

What are your water parameters now?



The issues of fin rot means there were some things going on before. The normal cause is poor water quality, lack of water changes.

You mention the water parameters is 0 - 0 - 0 which seems like there is either a problem with test strips if you are using them, or you just changes enough water to go all to 0.

Triple Sulfa or Maracyn 2 would be a hopeful choice. Trying to save him is worth it.

One issue is that by the time the fish is this ill, it can have its internal functions like kidney function shutting down.

My hope is your experience will end well.

In my one experience, it ended in the loss of the fish. Once I adopted a free ill large fancy GF. I changed hundreds of gallons of water and used salt and medications. Round after round it would get better and fall back into illness.

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