Setting up a new tank, who wants to help - will post progress

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 23, 2009
Canberra, Australia
Hey all,
I am about to set up a new 200 L (70g) tank.
I am picking it up tomorrow, as well as filters blah blah.
This will be my second cichlid tank (currently have a 70L with mixed cichlids), but as I am pretty new I was wondering if you guys would like to help me build it.
Not sure where I want to take it yet, but probably want to end up with 1-2 Red Tiger Oscars, plus whatever is too big for them to eat I guess.
I will post each stage online, but how do you guys reckon I should do it.
I was thinking a sand base, with bubble neons coming from back, with perhaps ample rocks, drift and possibly some plants. Want it to be beast as it will be in the main room of the house.
A 70 is a bit small for the Bioload of two oscars + another large fish (bottom feeder I'm guessing) but if you want this tank to look nicely scaped then forget the oscars lol
Doesn't have to be Oscar's they are just cool. I like fontosas too. My 70l has peacocks, and electric yellow, a bristle and some other ones with names too complicated for me to spell. With the 200L I am not quite sure yet if I want more fish like in the 70l, or something a bit different with a couple of bigger ones. The tanks are at different houses so I am not worried about clashes/redundancy
Honestly dude i would get 1 massive oscar... That would be amazing... Then i would get a sweet bottom feeder or 2 like a rapheal catfish and a pleco and be done :) that would be a super cool tank IMO
A 70g is also small for frontosa since they should be kept in large groups and get up to 15"! Lol how bout some red tigers they color up nicely and stay a decent size. Even a green terror tank would look great
Haha love it. What strength water flow do you guys reckon I need to create? I have never played with a 4 foot tank before so I am pretty clueless. I was going to grab a aquaone 104f as the filter, as the tank only has lighting built in.
To cycle it I was going to use the 7 day mix that I used to cycle my other tank (worked fantastic), then maybe start with a bistlenose and something else small?
Hi I'm new to the forums and was just having a read through..... I have just purchased another tank ...... Number 3 now and yes very addictive... Anyway you mentioned something about 7 day cycle thing that worked well in cycling your tank???
Nzcichlidluva said:
Hi I'm new to the forums and was just having a read through..... I have just purchased another tank ...... Number 3 now and yes very addictive... Anyway you mentioned something about 7 day cycle mix that worked well in cycling your tank???[
cezza44 said:
To cycle it I was going to use the 7 day mix that I used to cycle my other tank (worked fantastic), then maybe start with a bistlenose and something else small?

Those bottled "cycles" are crap. You can't keep live bacteria alive in a sealed off bottle while being transported from truck to truck and shelf to shelf. Save your money and just put one of your filters from your other tank on the new tank.
I've also noticed you said you have a 70L with cichlids. That's only 16G and is too small for cichlids.
Yo dude, it was called stability. Company that makes it is Seachem.
Whether it is 'crap' I can't say as it worked perfectly in my tank, it is what the aquarium speciality store told me to use.
Some bottled BB do work but for the most part it is a sham. If its got a short expiration date on it then its probably got some live BB but the ones that sit on the shelves for weeks are a joke. I've heard good things about seachem though and love every product I've used of theirs
I'd rather just cycle a tank with established media. Last thing you need is a mini cycle once you start adding fish.

I absolutely love seachem products and will always support them.
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i agree with malawi that 70l is to small. what is your stock list? maybe you could put them in the 200l and put something else is the 70? :)
My list is:
Julidochromis marlieri (Burundi)
Bistlenose Catfish
Electric yellow (Labidochromis caeruleus (Kakusa)
Neolamprologus leleupi
2 Peacock (Red and Yellow)
And an American cichlid that I can't remember the name of. Will post picture when I get home and hopefully someone will be able to identify it.

They're all babes atm, and was thinking when they have grown a bit I will up tank. But I may dump the maleri as he is a bit of a grouch who likes to try and claim the entire bottom half of my tank. He is losing territory fast though.
Malawi Freak said:
You're not going to get a reply within 2 minutes on this forum at that time of night.

I'm very sorry for posting my comment twice I was not supposed to do that and I definitely didn't expect a reply straight away. Like I said I'm new to these forums and must have pressed a wrong button or something. I'm also from New Zealand so I know there is a time difference.
Mrc8858 said:
Some bottled BB do work but for the most part it is a sham. If its got a short expiration date on it then its probably got some live BB but the ones that sit on the shelves for weeks are a joke. I've heard good things about seachem though and love every product I've used of theirs

Seachem Stability works really well, I have used it extensively without any issues - i have also tested Prodibio Biodigest and found it is also very good. If you have existing cycled media use it as well and you will be up and running in no time.
My list is:
Julidochromis marlieri (Burundi)
Bistlenose Catfish
Electric yellow (Labidochromis caeruleus (Kakusa)
Neolamprologus leleupi
2 Peacock (Red and Yellow)
And an American cichlid that I can't remember the name of. Will post picture when I get home and hopefully someone will be able to identify it.

They're all babes atm, and was thinking when they have grown a bit I will up tank. But I may dump the maleri as he is a bit of a grouch who likes to try and claim the entire bottom half of my tank. He is losing territory fast though.

wait is this the list for the 200l or what is in the 70l?
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