Setting up a snail tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 24, 2003
Jackson Ms
I want to set up a tank to raise snails. Just the plain little black ones are all that I want. I tried putting some in a plastic ice cream bucket with a piece of lettuce and holes cut into the top but they all died over night. Would a small 1 or 2 gal kit from the pet store work???
Thanks Madame!!
I had found that once before. I was just trying to see what others had done about raising snails. The 30 mile trip to Pet***** is getting old every few days to get some snails for my puffer. I also worry about bringing home some disease. I think I'm gonna try a 1 gal tank kit. I saw one at pet***** the other day for like 10 dollars. Kind of funny most people are looking for ways to get rid of snails and here we are trying to raise them.
I raise mine in my 10-gal quarrantine tank. I was raising them in a fish bowl, but it was a pain to change the water out. You can do the 2-gal tank thing, and even get a betta to put in there with the snails. I also have snails in my community tank but that type of snail (nerite) is extremely slow to propagate so I am able to pluck the babies out without getting overrun with snails. My real snail factory is the mystery snail!
I use a 10gal with 1 betta and 1 african frog, and lots of natural vegitation. 78 degrees, pea gravel type substrate, HOB filter. I raise pond or "nuisance" snails in there (wow that's hard to do huh :roll: ) anyway they propagate very fast, I feed flake food to everyone in the tank, and the frog keeps the snails entertained. Then it's off to the clown loach tank for 10 snails at a time!! :D crunch, pop! My clown loaches just about fly out of the tank when they see me walking up, hoping that they will get snails instead of flakes. Hee hee! Anyway good luck with your snail tank.
I have mine in my 8g tank. So far I have never fed them, although I did put 2 dying plants in there one time. I've since removed the aerator and filter and....its made no diff so far; I STILL find snails in there. They are very slowly reducing in number (I want to get rid of em, but not until all the snails are gone; I use em as treats for my loaches). They are common pond snails if that makes any diff.
Speaking of never feeding them... I had removed some plastic plants from a tank 3 months ago when the plants finally grew in, storing the plants in the garage, and recently I put them in a new tank to hide the filter intake, etc. The tank sat empty for 3 weeks while I played around with the pH and such, plus the hurricane, and lo and behold, I have snails in there now. It is no wonder people find them hard to eliminate! My puffers are more than happy to help me take care of them.

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