Sexing mystery snails!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 19, 2020
Hey guys I was wondering if anyone could help me sex this mystery snail? I’m pretty sure this is a male but not 100% certain. I have two more but they’re so tiny I can hardly even hold them yet! Here’s a picture just to show the size of each! IMG_6294.jpg IMG_6448.jpgIMG_6445.jpg
Can't quite see that inside the shell
this has excellent pics - no affiliation or connection or knowledge about this site other than they have a very good M/ F pic :) Scroll down a few pics for really clear views

Wow that site does have amazing pictures! I’ll try to get Turbo out of the shell again tomorrow, I didn’t want to stress them out because they’re very shy and don’t like coming out on command! Thank you!!
I thought most snails possessed the capability of being asexual therefore being female /male at the same time kinda?
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