Sexing rams

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Well just came back with a container of the Formula Two and they love it! I don't like the smell LOL.

Ok you the man to come to with Ram questions if you have been breeding them for that long. Hope you don't mind :)

Surprised to here that your tank is at 7ph with Discus. Right now I'm run 0's on A,Ni, Na with 6.8ph and 80 degrees. Tank is very mature, and very planet for lots of playing. And over filtered, I have a Eheim 2213 running on the 30 gallons

Should I up the temp to 82? I have Neons, Cori's, red tails, along with the Rams, they should be fine. Two things I read about that the illness have a harder time living at higher temps, and the fish colors POP. Was at 78 last week and turned it up to 80 and their colors popped big time.

I'm aiming to get a couple Discus, want to get the bugs worked out with Ram first though.
Yeah food does smell but all the fish will love it that's so cool big al's is near you your so lucky! I used to keep my ph lower for discus when I was breeding them but I try to match our local tap water in my area. It's easier than messing with R O water or chemicals I do put peat moss in all my canister filters on my discus tanks. I've been fortunate I've only had to deal with hole in the head disease once in my tanks but have treated and helped many a customer and friends fish get thru the disease. Metro and praziquantel work wonders and I do believe heat helps but I'd double check I can't remember. Only problem is neons and most corys like cooler temps than a discus tank. cardinal tetras are better than neons they prefer the heat but you already have neons so that doesn't help ya out much you'll have to move your neons to their own tank if you wanna run your heat for the discus needs.
Thanks again!

Yup very luck with the Big Als its not even a 5min drive from home woohoo! Problem is a have developed a weekly drop in pattern LOL, my wife is a little more excepting of it now that the location has dog stuff she is now coming with me :)

Regarding the Neons and Corys, I have read that they both make great tank mates with Discuss. With the Temp range going up to 82, same with the Cardinals.

I use the Discus Salts from Seachem, does a great job and is easy to use... well if you understand what you are doing LOL People this stuff will crash your ph if your not careful.

So beside GBR any other Dwarf's in your collection?
gallowchris said:
Thanks again!

Yup very luck with the Big Als its not even a 5min drive from home woohoo! Problem is a have developed a weekly drop in pattern LOL, my wife is a little more excepting of it now that the location has dog stuff she is now coming with me :)

Regarding the Neons and Corys, I have read that they both make great tank mates with Discuss. With the Temp range going up to 82, same with the Cardinals.

I use the Discus Salts from Seachem, does a great job and is easy to use... well if you understand what you are doing LOL People this stuff will crash your ph if your not careful.

So beside GBR any other Dwarf's in your collection?

Sterbai corys can take higher temps more so than most corys but as far as neons I've myself been fortunate to travel to Manaus south America in college and I assure you discus and neons don't share the same water temp preference they can take higher temps for awhile. But it usually results in death or shorter life Span of the neons id use cardinals instead I'm not trying to be redundant here but do some research further I'm trying to save you the headache besides we all want what's best for our fish friends. Neons come from shaded streams and the tree canopy cools the water where areas discus and cardinals come from depending on what time of the year or rainy season are usually less shaded from trees and the water temps are higher but I can't put it all in this thread but plenty of good websites for you to find a treasure chest of info happy fishkeeping! I currently keep apistogramma macmasteri ,pandurini, orange flash cacoutoides,and curviceps and I'm going to pick up a pair of golden eye dwarfs tomorrow from a good friend of mine I'm pretty pumped about that.
Totally hear you. Problem is there is so much infomation out there and each source says something a little bit different. I go with read a ton on the subject and take the common norm info and ask people with experience.. like you :) now how warm can the cardinals take with your experience? I have read 80.5 to 82 on the high end, but to go with Discus that seems a touch low. Sorry another question; what temp do you suggest for Discus? I have read 82-86 and even some people go up and over 90!

Sounds like you have quite the sweet community going there! Nice work! Good luck with the golden eye, they are great looking fish!
Never say sorry for asking questions I'm glad to help, you can keep cardinals 80-86 in my experience. Honestly discus don't need super high temps unless your breeding them or trying to treat for disease 83-86 is fine.

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