Shell dwelling cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 18, 2010
I am starting a shell dwelling cichlid from Lake Tanga tank in a 20 gallon long. I have read many conflicting articles online about their care. Can someone who has had these fish comment on appropriate

A) pH
B) total water hardness
C) temperature

And if you have used cichlid salts and buffers or have established these parameters naturally

The pH should be around 8 or higher, if you don't have hard/alkaline tap water all you really need are baking soda and epsom salt to buffer the water chemistry. Temps from mid 70's to around 80 are good, mine are 76-78, depending on which thermometer you look at.
You only need to buffer the water that high if they are wild caught. Check with whoever you're buying them through and find out what PH they were raised/kept in. They will be fine and breed in 7.0 +
Thanks. I will contact the wholesaler this week to check.
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