shipping plants

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 4, 2013
Pipestone, Minnesota
I want to ship some plants to a friend who lost all of her plants. Well it's cold as all get out here in Minnesota. I just want them to get to her in as good a condition as they are in my tank. Where do I get a foam container, and a heat pack. I have really nice plants but not a lot of money. I also have no idea how to pack the plants once I get the container and heat pack.
Here is what I am sending.
Amazon sword 19in tall not including the roots
Wisteria 22in (this one will bend so I am not worried about the height
Crypt wendtii (tiny) I got a ton of them from one of the little packs a petsmart)
Water lettuce
bunch of telanthera cardinalis
Crypt Balansae about 12in
A tiny anubia
and a bunch of anacharis
I want to do the right but as cheap as possible. So any help would be appreciated.
When I ship mine, I take a large enough box, and cut down 1/2"- 3/4" styrofoam insulation sheets to line the box. Then on the bottom I put a 72 hr heat pack ( bought from ebay ) & put a couple inches of styrofoam peanuts so the heat pack does not come in close contact with the plants. The plants themselves I wrap in a few wet paper towels, put them in a ziplock bag with an extra 1/4 cup of tank water, get most of the air out, and deal the bag. I put that in the box and surround it with more peanuts. Then I tape all the 'open' edges of the box and ship 2-3 day priority mail.

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