Should I be worried?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 26, 2009
Ann Arbor, MI
So I'm afraid I might have jumped the gun a little bit. I've been waiting for my fishless cycle to end and this last weekend my nitrites finally dropped to zero so I did like a 90% water change then ran out and picked up 3 danios. A zebra, a gold and a pearl. I also picked up 7 ghost shrimp because from what I've read they have very little bioload and help clean the tank up. I put them in the tank and let them hang out for 24 hours or so to see how they did. They all seemed very active and were eating so the next day I picked up 3 of the neon danios because I wanted to get a complete school to help ease their stress. So anyways I put the new additions in on sunday.

Well it seems I might have jumped the gun a little bit and should've let my tank cycle a little while longer because I'm now seeing nitrites again, somewhere between 2 and 5ppm. Ammonia is at 0. What's concerning me is that I've found 2 dead shrimp already and haven't really seen the others. One comes out now and again and she seems to be doing well, I can tell it's a she because she's loaded down with eggs.

So now I'm overly paranoid about the health of the danios. I've been watching them almost constantly for the past few days looking for signs of illness, the gills on some of them are reddish so I am of course scared they have red gill disease or something but the only ones I can see the redness on are the lighter colored ones so it might just be the color of their gills and they all still swim around together at all levels of the tank and everyone eats. No one is gasping for air or anything. The only weird behavior I see is that a couple of them like to hide out in a clump of floating plants I have and the pearl one which I think might be full of eggs because her belly is a little fat hangs out in the upper corner quite a bit behind the wall of bubbles just swimming against the current. Again they all eat and do travel around the tank in a pack but they also spend quite a bit of time hanging out doing their own thing.

Does it sound like anything I should worry about? I've been treating the tank with a capful of Prime every day to help detoxify the nitrite and the past 2 days I did 10% water changes. Is that too much Prime for daily use in a 50g?

These are my first fish so I'm a little paranoid I think, I want my babies to have nothing but the best!
I should also add that when they swim around and when they just hang out in their plants they seem to open and close their mouths quite a bit, is this considered gasping or would it only be something to be concerned about if they're doing it at the surface?
I wouldn't sweeat it too much, but I would up the water changes. A series of daily 50-75% changes would be best until you are stable under .25.
i agree with HN. that amount is fine though i would just do the water change vs just adding prime.
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