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What's the plant in the back corner?

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Really nice 40 breeder! How come your tank has a slight yellow tint to it?

Thanks, it's from the leaf littler I have in there. There's also some diatoms from the sand that give it more of a brow/yellow tint. I was going for a natural look so I just left it.

Gonna need a close up of those xiphophorus, Mog ;)

The Xiphs aren't all that special really, they aren't really coloring up.
Are you using IALs, oak leaves, or something else?

They were an experiment from this summer now they are dithers/target fish so no great loss. I may replace them with Xiphophorus Nezahualcoyotl "El Salto" or another small sword eventually.

Heh, we just got a starter colony of nezzies, still young so not a ton of color yet. They seem to be a lot more "personable" than some of the other wild swords we've kept. I really like them so far.

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I'm using Indian Almond Leaf just because it's easy for me to buy in bulk. I love nezzies, just don't have the space for everything I want.
My 90g tank with Red Head Tapajos, a Rotkiel Severum, a pair of rams (for now), and some Congo tetras for dithers. I used to put katappa leaves on the bottom but have ceased doing so because I have to unbury them every day because the Red Heads spit so much sand on them haha. But I loved the look of it so I may return to that in the future. I'll post a pic from when the leaves were in too.


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