Shrimps (and other inverts) and Aptasias in a Nanocube

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 26, 2004
Columbus, Oh
I have a JBJ Nanocube since April and everything has been doing fine (except for the time i've had red slime everywhere). Lately, the 1 aptasia i had started to multiply. I'd rather put some peppermint shrimps in instead of using chemicals. My question is, how many inverts can i put in a nanocube? I have a fire shrimp , a few hermits, and 2 mithraxes (1 emerald and 1 red colored one). I have some snails too, but i don't think they count.

Oh, and I also don't know the name of the reddish brown mithrax i have. I mean , it looks just like the emerald except its reddish brown.
Welcome to AA!!! :D Do you have LR in your nano? If so, I think you could get away with two peppermints. Good luck and post some pics...Lando
Yes, I have about 12-13 lbs of LR. Fish wise, I've got a purple firefish and 2 ocellarises. Coral wise, hmm.. lets see... some mushrooms, a few button polyps, green star popyps, and electric green star polyps. I think i've got a small bristle star but i'm not sure.. saw it one day then it disappeared. probably hiding.
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