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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 22, 2015
How do mushrooms reproduce? I have a chunk of rock with probably 8 to 10 nice sized mushrooms and I swear some of them split.. or I'm just crazy.

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They do split! I had a big one do the same recently

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They do split. I'm pretty sure all anemones divide to reproduce. (Yes, I know, they are corals not anemones..but in reality they are a bit of both.) And some may detach and make a parachute ride to colonize a different part of the tank.

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As above they do split or let go and roll around on the current till they find somewhere they like they are also very easy to frag to make more but once they are settled and happy they reproduce fast.
It actually looks scary when they split... The middle looks like it starts to rot out and eventually it splits into 3 or 4 different shrooms.
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