Sick African Chiclits

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 25, 2005
Hi all, I don't know alot about fresh water ,I'm more involved in salt water but my daughter has a 25 gal tank with four african chilits which she has had up and running for about a year now, recently I happened to feed her fish for her one day and I noticed the water was real hot ,I lowered the temp and told her about it, she said that has happened before the fish some how know the adjustment up
Anyway a few days later of of the fish had pop eye where the eye looked like a big bubble, I told her maynbe a trapped air bubble ,now another fish has it and the fish fish that had it now has it in the other eye as well with the exception of this one has that cloudy look ,what is this and what could be the cause?
Well "pop eye" is a symptom that can be caused by many different things. Since it seems to be contagious in this scenario, we can rule out injury. So it is probably a result of poor water qualilty or some type of infection or virus. I would test the water to see whats going on there. I would make sure to figure out how to keep the temp stable to avoid stressing the fish out due to fluctuations there. I would do lots of partial water changes and then you may need some broad spectrum antibiotic as well. But I would wait for someone else to advise you on what type because I don't ever use meds in my tanks so I don't know much about them.
Do you have a test kit? It would be helpful to know what her ammonia, nitrites and nitrates are. How often are water changes done? The fluctuations in the water temp have most likely stressed the fish badly. I would do a partial water change and I would also try treating with MelaFix.
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