Sick baby Oscar:(

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 16, 2011
South Africa
Hi guys, please bare with me, im new to this community:)

I recently, yesterday, bought 2 baby oscars extremely small, not even the length of a pinky finger. I have had an oscar before, but unfortunately it died when we went on holiday and our house sitter didnt look after it properly. Anyway, one of the small oscars has become sick, it sits at the bottom and when it does move it goes wild, mostly rolling and doing loops? I have a 55 gallon tank and new filter, heater is at about 28 degrees Celcius. Feed them bloodworm. Please Help!!

Thanks so much
In order to help you, please share more info if possible:

Are you testing the water?
What are your levels of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates?
How old is the filter exactly?

Looks like your tank is not cycle (ammonia cycle )
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The filter is brand new. I havent bought a tester kit yet so im not quite sure, sorry.
Most likely your tank is not cycled, and your ammonia started to spike, ammonia is bad for your Oscars.
Make a partial water change, maybe around 30%, nag go and buy a liquid test kit at your pet store. Then measure the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, and let us know the results.


It is most likely that since you didnt cycle your tank, the ammonia and nitrite is affecting the oscars.

I recommend getting (Like said above) a Liquid test kit, preferably the API master test kit.

I would also recommend to do 25-50% water changes everyday with additional prime (detoxifies ammonia and nitrite for 24 hours) until you ammonia and nitrite go down.

I must ask also, but what size aquarium are they in?

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