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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 12, 2017
Me and my gf just got our first betta he is a male who lives in a 3 gallon tank. The tank is located in our bathroom,his name is Norman betta ;). The tank does have a filter and I strive to keep the water very clean with a 50 percent water change weekly. Norman has contracted a terrible case of both ick and fin rot I don't want him to die. I was wondering if it would be ok to crank up his heat to 89°. he's at 82° right now, I know to only do a 1° per 12 hours or so. I also have already treated with aquarium salt and always put in water conditioner with every water change. I hade the tap water tested and it's very healthy for Norman. PLEASE HELP NORMAN BETTA NEEDS YOU.

Get a bigger tank, 10 gallons. And do partial water changes daily until it has cycled. Clean water is the best thing to heal those fins. If you can't swing a bigger tank do the daily water changes in what you have. I have never taken a fish over 82, so I cannot speak to that.
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