Sick Clown loaches!!HELP

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Aquarium Advice Freak
May 22, 2011
Amherst NY
My clown loaches have developed white spots all over, the rest of the fish are fine. I tried water changes and added a little salt, when that didint seem to work yesterday I dosed the tank with API Pimafix Antifungal and again today. The fish seem to be getting worse and are hiding at the top in the corner, can i save these two???

PS My ammo is at 0, ph at 7.6, nitrites at 0 and nitrates at 5.
It might be ich or velvet (that's all I know about white spots lol). I don't have any experience with illnesses yet so unfortunately I won't be much help. At the very least I'll bump this up for you and hope someone else replies. You might want to post this in the unhealthy fish section too, you might get more replies there. Good luck to you and your fish.
Ichthyophthirius (Ich)

 Clown loaches are susceptible different kinds of diseases, Ich primarily, but also other parasites, like fin rot and velvet. The best treatment for clown fishes diseases is sometimes as simple as slowly raising the temperature (sudden changes in water temperature can do more harm that good) to between 85F and 90F for up to 7-10 days. Also, add salt to the aquarium (4-5 tablespoons for every 5 gallons of water). Do a large water change (up to 70%) every other day to remove the Ich swimming around in the water. Although the clowns are sensitive to sudden large scale changes in the water quality in the long run they'll be happier to have the water change if the Ich is gone sooner. The Ich parasites don't like high temperatures or salt water and they will start falling off of the fishes.

 Make sure that you don't treat them with dye-based medicines or normal copper. The reason being, clowns don't have scales and medications will irritate them causing a layer of mucus to build up on their bodies and they may suffocate. I have never had to medicate my clown loaches, but some people insist that Kordon's "Rid Ich+" is the ONLY medication they will give their clowns and it has cured them of Ich. If you read the instructions on the medications closely they usually recommend a half dose for clown fish because of their sensitivity.

Got this from
Clown Loach Disease
Hope it helps
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