sick fish, help!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 1, 2014
I just got 2 pangasius catfish/iridescent shark. I've had them for 3 days now and they just developed some sort of skin and tail rot. I've done everything I know to help them. My pH is 7.0 and nitrates and nitrites are minimal. I have hard water, about 130 ppm, should I lower it?. My tank is 120 gallons, and I saved them from a 60gal tank. So I don't understand why they seem to be so stressed.

Please help, thanks
can you be more specific about your nitrite reading? how about ammonia?

My ammonia is at 0-0.5. nitrites are 0.5ppm and nitrates are at 10ppm and my KH is 120ppm
can you be more specific about your nitrite reading? how about ammonia?

he told you the readings, his fish are sick, why even bother about the water readings. Im getting tired of people always saying ....well what are you water readings.
im gonna just link this post because im tired of typing the same thing over and over and over, i like to help people and im being a jerk right now i know this and draw your own conclusions.
Hope this helps, its only 6 dollars if you can find some from a good fish store not a chain store, otherwise look at

Methylene Blue - 4 oz. | That Fish Place
i asked because nitrites being "minimal" isnt actually providing the numbers as you seem to feel. also makes me think the tank isnt cycled, which is likely the entire cause of the problem. nitrites and ammonia need to be 0. also, because i am trying to help somebody. did somebody try to do a fishless cycle in your corn flakes this morning?

usually a good idea to treat the cause of the problem...and anyone that wants to comment on how to treat it can jump right in. sorry if trying to treat the root of the problem offended you...and if youre just having a bad day then i really do hope it gets better.
did somebody try to do a fishless cycle in your corn flakes this morning?

usually a good idea to treat the cause of the problem...and anyone that wants to comment on how to treat it can jump right in.

HAHA i guess so, im just really stressed out. Sorry. I AGREE 100% , high nitrates mean too much BB which means fungus/mold infections, but IM trying to save this fish here! not educate people on the dynamics of water quality. (No smart putdown intended there just a statement)
LOL man sorry im just really Wired and cynical this time of day.
I guess we all have diffrent ways of helping newbies, i just jump to the cure for the problem while others usually take a slower approach.
hey it is okay, man...i dont take anything on the internet personal. honestly, i would suggest treat the ailment at the same time...but to keep this from happening again he or she and anybody else reading this needs to understand why it happened? nitrates are not the problem here...i am thinking the tank was cycled but something caused a hiccup.

i understand you know your stuff when it comes to treating fish...i defer from suggesting meds because i just have rarely ever dealt with it...because i keep my water literally cleaner than it is from the tap.

so i really am curious to know what is the cause. is this a new tank? were there any huge cleanups, unnoticed fish deaths, new additions, anything that may have hurt the cycle and overwhelmed the bb?

we cool, matt? ha
ya we cool, your not nearly as bad as that Bradberry guy and his 99% of fish problems are water related :ROFLMAO: LOL
Okay thanks guys, I'm not a newbie to owning fish. Its just this is a completely different types of fish then what I'm used to. There 12 and 15 inches long and will one day reach 4 ft. This 120gal tank is a temporary home until I build my custom 400 this winter. One thing I must admit is I definitely do not quite understand everything to do with the cycles of ammonia to no2 and no3 specifically how it gets interrupted
so the bacteria living mostly in your filter, but also on all the surfaces inside your tank, help to process the ammonia and nitrites. your fish are constantly producing ammonia which the beneficial bacteria will feed on. this bacteria, once established, will only handle the amount of waste your fish are producing. any additional sources of ammonia (uneaten food, decomposing fish) will cause an overload and you will likely see some nitrites and ammonia until your bacteria colony can catch up.

if you lose fish for some reason, some of your bacteria will die off because the remaining fish will not produce enough ammonia to support them.

when you add new fish, you are increasing the ammonia and your bacteria will again need some time to catch up.

i think what happened in your case is you had some fish loss, waited for a time (in this time your bacteria colony shrunk), and then added new fish (which overloaded your bacteria colony and resulted in readings for ammonia and nitrites. your new additions, the cat fish, were stressed with their change in home, and were also subjected to low levels of ammonia and nitrites. being scaleless and under additional stress from moving, they were more susceptible to the spike in ammonia and nitrites, and developed the trouble with their fins, while the established fish showed no signs/

to correct this, you can consider treating with meds, but should also do water changes to keep your ammonia at .25 max for now, until it gets back to zero....nitrites, zero as well. anything other than zero means your bacteria colony is overwhelmed. it shouldnt take long, as you only need to let your bacteria catch up.

i do not diasagree with bradberry, that water quality is very often the culprit.
he told you the readings, his fish are sick, why even bother about the water readings. Im getting tired of people always saying ....well what are you water readings.
im gonna just link this post because im tired of typing the same thing over and over and over, i like to help people and im being a jerk right now i know this and draw your own conclusions.
Hope this helps, its only 6 dollars if you can find some from a good fish store not a chain store, otherwise look at

Methylene Blue - 4 oz. | That Fish Place

Because it's absolutely pertinent in assisting someone with tank issues, especially if nitrites are present... come on man...

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Ammonia and nitrites were at 0. Both fish passed this morning. Thanks anyway to everyone who tried to help.
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