Sick fish (maybe ick)?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 28, 2005
I was just wondering....

A couple of days ago I posted about a sick fish of mine that is laying on the bottom and then swimming straight up sporadically. I have Quick Cure for Ick and other Protozoan Parasites, mild Fluke outbreaks, Costia, Chilodonell, and Trichondina. I didn't see the white spots that would indicate Ick but now I do clearly see some. My question is, is it safe to treat the whole tank with the Quick Cure? I know I have to take out the carbon but can I just treat a tank instead of a fish?

I would recommend the heat treatment for ich. Turn the heat up to 87. A degree or two every 6-12 hours. Keep the temp up for 2 weeks after the last spot of ich is gone. Heat treatment is easier on your fish than the meds. Also you don't have to worry about harming the bacterial cycle. Also either lower the water level a bit or add an airstone for extra aeration. Good luck and keep us posted.
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