sick fish

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 24, 2006
:( can any one help me?i am a newbie.i bought two redcap orandas about aweek ago,one has died the other is still swiming fine.ive done a water change on saturday my amonia level on the 11/3 were 0.75ppm on the18/3they nitrite levels 11/3 were0.0ppm on the18/3 they were 2.0ppm.nitrate levels 11/3 10ppm on the 18/3 80ppm.what am i doing wrong.the fish that died sat on the bottom of the tank it looked fine but wasnt very active.please help me
What size tank?

I would do daily water changes to get your levels under control. That is likely why your Oranda died, coupled with stress from moving from the store, etc.

How is the other looking?
my other fish seems to be ok,so far so good,its swiming around now and again it will float i am a newbie i only have a small 3 gallon tank dont want to buy a big tank until i fully understand what ive got to do.
On a 3 gal tank you should do a partial water change every day IMO. You will need a bigger tank for the goldie very soon. They require at least 10 gals per goldie.
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