sick gourami

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Apr 23, 2011
20 gallon tall marineland tank with bio-wheel

30 gallon air pump.

water parameters PH 8.3

ammonia 0

nitrite 0

nitrate 40ppm

why is my gourami sitting in upper left corner of tank, I havent had much luck with these fish.

other fish 1pleco, 6 black skirts, 3 platties, 1 mollie.:fish2:
I'm not sure what the proper nitrate level is but it may be too which case a PWC would help. I know too much nitrates is harmful to fish too. Maybe you haven't created a proper environment for the guaromi and he is stressed. I think they like surface cover... was he just introduced? If so he could still be adjusting.
Look up the thread "dwarf gourami profile" on here. Its under fish or plant profiles. it has really in depth info on them
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