Aquarium Advice Newbie
Hello I made an account on here just so I can ask for advice on this because my internet searches have gotten me nowhere.
On the 28th of december of 2022 I bought 4 platies, one of which was pregnant already. They settled into the tank just fine, eating and acting healthy. Now of course the pregnant platy over time got bigger and bigger and everyday I checked on her to see if she had given birth yet. But no such luck. The longer this went on, the more concerned I grew..I looked up what the normal pregnancy term for a platy was and found out it was about 28 to 30 days. Well she passed that milestone a few weeks ago and still no babies and she looks increasingly uncomfortable. She is very bloated but her scales still lay flat and her anus (?) is looking very swolen. She has a dark pink spot near her vent that I think is the mass of babies, i think i can even see a few eyes but i feel like it doesnt look like it should. She also often has trouble passing poop which i figured was because the babies were pressing on her guts so I have tried two times to fast the all the fish for 24 hours. Doesn't really seem to help her. She also has been hanging around the floating plants more often lately and also has been rubbing herself against plants and decorations and having spurts of erractic swimming lately. The other fish and shrimp are acting fine and also are not harassing her. Here are some photos I took of her yesterday:
Water parameters:
Temperature: 24 degrees celsius
Ph: ~8
Gh: between 7 and 14
KH:~10? (I use a test strip so it's hard to precisely say)
Ammonia: Dont have a test for that but the other fish seem fine?
Nitrates: 10 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Tank size: 125 Liters, 81cm x 36 cm x 48 cm
Tank set up time: I first set it up on 22 november 2022 and I added the first fish (5 corydoras and one juvenile bristlenose pleco) on the 16th of december. Haven't had any nitrite spikes in all the time ive had this tank.
Filter: Juwel Bioflow M
7 panda corydoras
10 Lambchop rasboras
1 bristlenose pleco (~6 cm at the moment? not fully grown yet)
4 Platy fish (1 male and 3 females)
6 amano shrimp
~15 cherry shrimp
5 assasin snails
a huge amount of pest snails
Last waterchange was actually yesterday and it was a 10 percent waterchange. I didn't have any nitrites or anything but I thought it might help her feel better. I typically do them every 2-3 weeks tho i probably could go longer because my water parameters are stable
I have recently added an airstone to the opposite corner of the filter to hopefully add more oxygen to the tank in case that was the problem.
I feed my fish Oase Organix color in granulate form, it used to be duplarin colour S but I felt like it didn't have very high quality ingredients so I stopped feeding that like 3 weeks ago? I feed my corys tropical supervit tablets b for bottom feeders and Oase Organix Snack sticks which i mention because my platys like to nibble on their food also. My pleco gets half an organix veggievore algea wafer from time to time but its mostly the snails that eat that. I also fed them bloodworms yesterday after fasting them on sunday to see if some high protein food would help and i think i saw her briefly bleeding a bit from her anus that night??? I check on my fish after the lights go off with a flashlight from time to time so thats how i noticed. The other fish didnt go after her tho.
So yeah I think thats about all the info I have..I hope you guys can help me
On the 28th of december of 2022 I bought 4 platies, one of which was pregnant already. They settled into the tank just fine, eating and acting healthy. Now of course the pregnant platy over time got bigger and bigger and everyday I checked on her to see if she had given birth yet. But no such luck. The longer this went on, the more concerned I grew..I looked up what the normal pregnancy term for a platy was and found out it was about 28 to 30 days. Well she passed that milestone a few weeks ago and still no babies and she looks increasingly uncomfortable. She is very bloated but her scales still lay flat and her anus (?) is looking very swolen. She has a dark pink spot near her vent that I think is the mass of babies, i think i can even see a few eyes but i feel like it doesnt look like it should. She also often has trouble passing poop which i figured was because the babies were pressing on her guts so I have tried two times to fast the all the fish for 24 hours. Doesn't really seem to help her. She also has been hanging around the floating plants more often lately and also has been rubbing herself against plants and decorations and having spurts of erractic swimming lately. The other fish and shrimp are acting fine and also are not harassing her. Here are some photos I took of her yesterday:

Water parameters:
Temperature: 24 degrees celsius
Ph: ~8
Gh: between 7 and 14
KH:~10? (I use a test strip so it's hard to precisely say)
Ammonia: Dont have a test for that but the other fish seem fine?
Nitrates: 10 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Tank size: 125 Liters, 81cm x 36 cm x 48 cm
Tank set up time: I first set it up on 22 november 2022 and I added the first fish (5 corydoras and one juvenile bristlenose pleco) on the 16th of december. Haven't had any nitrite spikes in all the time ive had this tank.
Filter: Juwel Bioflow M
7 panda corydoras
10 Lambchop rasboras
1 bristlenose pleco (~6 cm at the moment? not fully grown yet)
4 Platy fish (1 male and 3 females)
6 amano shrimp
~15 cherry shrimp
5 assasin snails
a huge amount of pest snails
Last waterchange was actually yesterday and it was a 10 percent waterchange. I didn't have any nitrites or anything but I thought it might help her feel better. I typically do them every 2-3 weeks tho i probably could go longer because my water parameters are stable
I have recently added an airstone to the opposite corner of the filter to hopefully add more oxygen to the tank in case that was the problem.
I feed my fish Oase Organix color in granulate form, it used to be duplarin colour S but I felt like it didn't have very high quality ingredients so I stopped feeding that like 3 weeks ago? I feed my corys tropical supervit tablets b for bottom feeders and Oase Organix Snack sticks which i mention because my platys like to nibble on their food also. My pleco gets half an organix veggievore algea wafer from time to time but its mostly the snails that eat that. I also fed them bloodworms yesterday after fasting them on sunday to see if some high protein food would help and i think i saw her briefly bleeding a bit from her anus that night??? I check on my fish after the lights go off with a flashlight from time to time so thats how i noticed. The other fish didnt go after her tho.
So yeah I think thats about all the info I have..I hope you guys can help me