Aquarium Advice Activist
Hello, all!
I have one sick fish. It is a serpae tetra and I cannot seem to find a diagnosis on it online. For a long time it has had small dark/black marks on different parts of the body, but not anywhere in particular. Recently, however, some small white, slightly protruding white spots have appeared on around its fins and gils. I have removed my carbon filter and started using ich/protozoan prevention medication, with no success. Here are my water parameters:
Nitrate: approx. 20 ppm (I had plants in my tank before they were uprooted when transferring some fish back into my brother's tank. This is probably the cause of the higher levels, though my fish had the black marks and white spots on it before the plants were removed)
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Total Hardness: approx. 100 ppm
Alkalinity: approx. 70 ppm
pH: 6.4
These readings were just taken, but these test strips are about a year old. Maybe I shouldn't trust these? Nevertheless, what do I do?
I have one sick fish. It is a serpae tetra and I cannot seem to find a diagnosis on it online. For a long time it has had small dark/black marks on different parts of the body, but not anywhere in particular. Recently, however, some small white, slightly protruding white spots have appeared on around its fins and gils. I have removed my carbon filter and started using ich/protozoan prevention medication, with no success. Here are my water parameters:
Nitrate: approx. 20 ppm (I had plants in my tank before they were uprooted when transferring some fish back into my brother's tank. This is probably the cause of the higher levels, though my fish had the black marks and white spots on it before the plants were removed)
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Total Hardness: approx. 100 ppm
Alkalinity: approx. 70 ppm
pH: 6.4
These readings were just taken, but these test strips are about a year old. Maybe I shouldn't trust these? Nevertheless, what do I do?