Sick Severum

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Nov 6, 2009
We've been having a problem with our 48 gallon for a couple weeks now. The tank has 3 Severums and 1 Parrot Cichlid. We've had the tank for about 2 years now with really no problems. The water has always been very clear. We do a 50% water change and gravel vacuum about every 3 weeks. The tank has an Aquatech 30-60 filter and we keep it right around 78-80 degrees. We have not added any new fish since the tank was set up 2 years ago.

The problem started a couple weeks ago when the water started getting green and cloudy. There really hasn't been an algae problem on the glass, only the water was getting green (the tank is in a dim room, with no direct sunlight). We immediately did a water change, but it didn't seem to clear it up, so we did another water change a couple days later, and then another after that. It seemed to help for a few days, but then the water started getting green again.

We bought some "Algae Control by Tetra" but that hasn't seemed to help. The fish haven't been eating for the past few days either :(

On top of that, one of the Severums has developed a weird problem on one side of his face and around his eye:

Here it is without the flash:

This is one of the "healthy" Severums:

We just did another 50% water change before taking these pics, so the water is still very cloudy.

We really need to get this cleared up, but we're not sure what to do. Please help! :confused:
Do you use tap water? How long do you leave your Tank lights on a day? i cant really tell what he has , try here but i reckon it is cause of the poor water quality try this site to help u Tropical Fish Centre - Fish Diseases how many water changes have u done all together to try to get rid of it?
Have you checked your parameters lately? Just to make sure something has not changed with your tap water?

The chemicals to clear algae are often detrimental to fish. I know they are not supposed to, but I have never had good results with them.

Green Water can be tricky, it is a nutrient imbalance, aggravated by too much light. My suggestion is to turn off the lights and do a 3-4 day blackout.....cover the tank with black garbage bags or something like it....NO LIGHT can get in or it will feed the algae. The fish will be fine without food for a few days. Leave yourself an access so you can peek in and check on your unhealthy fish.

I have personally cleared up green water with the black out method. Although sometimes it requires another blackout a week later it usually clears it up like magic.
To me it looks like your fish has pop-eye, which I think can be cause by a couple different things. You can also look up signs, cures and causes for that.
Good luck!
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