Sick Snail?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 8, 2011
Hi all,

For the past couple weeks my mystery snail has been very reclusive and developed orange spots on his flesh. it started out on just the top side of his foot or whatever it's called and has since spread to tentacles and pretty much all over him other than his shell.

He almost never comes out and Ive been putting a couple algae pellets under him to keep him eating and Ive seen him eat a few times. The tank has only been up for a couple months and is very clean and Ive never had any algae or anything like that so I wonder if he is just starving. Also does ammonia affect snails the same way it does fish?

thanks a bunch!
Scoobcake said:
Hi all,

For the past couple weeks my mystery snail has been very reclusive and developed orange spots on his flesh. it started out on just the top side of his foot or whatever it's called and has since spread to tentacles and pretty much all over him other than his shell.

He almost never comes out and Ive been putting a couple algae pellets under him to keep him eating and Ive seen him eat a few times. The tank has only been up for a couple months and is very clean and Ive never had any algae or anything like that so I wonder if he is just starving. Also does ammonia affect snails the same way it does fish?

thanks a bunch!

Yes ammonia affects snails the same or worse than fish.
What are your parameters?
Tank mates?
Tank size?
Can you get a picture of him?
29 gallon tank
ammo sits about .125ppm (been struggling with it)
0 nitrite
usually around 5ppm nitrate
temp 78

tankmates are:
1 dalmation molly
1 swordtail
5 danio (need to get these ID, not sure what type. they are greenish with an orange stripe)
5 glass catfish
1 bn pleco
2 kuhli loach

Cant get a pic of him other than just his shell. he rarely comes out. I started noticing a decline in him after I removed the hornwort I was trying to grow in there. I took it out because it was making a mess. Might just be a coincedence there though. Back when he was active I noticed a few times my swordtail picking on him but he would just pop into his shell and come out and cruise around again in a couple minutes and would definately be out when it was dark. Now I often see him in the same spot for 2-3 days straight.
It is normal for them to go days or weeks without moving. I wouldn't be too concerned about that. Next time he's out try snap a picture because I'm not too sure what you mean about the orange spots.
yeah the spots are the most concerning. He looks nothing like he used to and looks sickly. I'll try to get a pic in the meantime.
He is grey. When I got him he was a nice healthy solid grey all around now he has orange spots.
The browns a little closer. different color shell though. I just find it weird that he "acquired" the spots. like I said he didnt have them When I got him and didnt have any for the first month in the tank.
Scoobcake said:
The browns a little closer. different color shell though. I just find it weird that he "acquired" the spots. like I said he didnt have them When I got him and didnt have any for the first month in the tank.

Maybe it's just his coloring coming in? I'm sure it is. Fish gain color as they become healthy or mature so maybe snails do to?
Here is the only pic I could get so far. He peeked out a little bit and photo isnt the greatest quality.

Yeah I really need to get an actual camera instead of trying to use my phone.
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